Fig. 1. Aggregate of white tabular crystals of batoniite with colorless crystals of gypsum and orange-brown resinous unidentified, low-crystalline, Al-Fe sulfate. Garibaldi tunnel, Cetine di Cotorniano mine, Siena Province, Tuscany, Italy. Type material, Natural History Museum of Pisa University, catalogue number 20028. Photo D. Mauro.
Fig. 2. Aggregates of white tabular crystals of batoniite with orange-brown resinous unidentified, low-crystalline, Al-Fe sulfate. Garibaldi tunnel, Cetine di Cotorniano mine, Siena Province, Tuscany, Italy. Type material, Natural History Museum of Pisa University, catalogue number 20028. Photo D. Mauro.

European Journal of Mineralogy, 35, 703-714.

Fig. 3. The polyoxocation [Al8(OH)14(H2O)18] observed in batoniite. Red and light blue circles represent (OH) and (H2O) groups, respectively. Blue polyhedra are Al-centered octahedra.