

Asociación Mineralógica Argentina

(Mineralogical Association of Argentina)

Address: Intendente Güiraldes 2160, Departamento de Ciencias, Geológicas, Pabellón II, Ciudad Universitaria, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos, Aires, C1428EGA, Argentina 

Phone: +54 011 4753 3329

Chair: Teresita MONTENEGRO

Secretary: Silvia J. AMETRANO

Secretary for International Affairs: Fernando COLOMBO

IMA representative: Teresita MONTENEGRO

Adhering Organizations

Adhering Organizations

The IMA is primarily an association of national mineralogical societies. At the current time, 36 national mineralogical societies or groups are members of IMA. Each national society is linked to the IMA by its national representative, and by the delegates that it sends to the IMA Business Meetings which are held every two years. If you want to become involved in IMA activities, please contact the relevant secretary of the relevant commission or working group, or your national representative. 

It is possible to join the IMA as an individual member, but individuals have no voting rights and therefore cannot participate in the governance of the IMA. Therefore, if you are interested in joining IMA, but your national society is not a member of IMA, please contact them and encourage them to join the IMA.

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