Business Meetings

The IMA is governed by the Business Meetings, which are held at least every two years, in pairs. Thus, at each event, there are a 1st and a 2nd business meeting (referred as 1st BM and 2nd BM below).

Any National representative, any Commission and any Working Group of the Association may propose business to be transacted at the Business Meetings. Such proposals must be sent to the IMA Secretary eight weeks before the meeting and will be included in the agenda.

The member societies send delegates to the Business Meetings. The delegates receive and review reports from the IMA Commissions, Working Groups and Council, and can implement new policies. The delegates at the Business Meeting elect the Council members, including the officers and the Presidents of IMA.

For a list of deadlines related to the Business Meetings please consult this page.

Minutes of recent first and second business meetings are provided below. 

2022, Lyon, France (not yet approved by adhering organizations): 1st BM and 2nd BM

2021, Online (planned in 2020 and set on line in January 2021): 1st BM and 2nd BM

2018, Melbourne, Australia: 1st BM and 2nd BM

2016, Rimini, Italy: 1st BM and 2nd BM

2014, Johannesburg, South Africa: 1st BM and 2nd BM

2012, Frankfurt, Germany : 1st BM and 2nd BM

2010, Budapest, Hungary : 1st BM and 2nd BM

For previous Business Meetings, please contact the IMA archive manager (Annamaria Kis)

2008, Vancouver, Canada / 2006, Kobe, Japan / 2004, Florence, Italia/ 2002, Edinburgh, UK / 1998, Toronto, Canada/ 1994, Pisa, Italia / 1990, Beijing China / 1986, Stanford, USA / 1982, Varna, Bulgaria / 1980 Orléans, France / 1978, Novosibirsk, Russia / 1976, Sidney, Australia / 1974, Berlin, Germany / 1972 Montreal, Canada / 1970, Kyoto, Japan / 1968 Praha, Czechoslovakia / 1966, Cambridge, UK / 1964, New Dehli / 1962, Washington, USA / 1960, Copenhagen, Denmark / 1959, Zürich, Switzerland.